Monday, January 28, 2008

On retirement

No, it's not what you are thinking. I am not retired nor thinking of retiring. I am too young and have many glorious work filled days ahead of me, and I doubt( highly) that I will ever (completely) retire. Not out of compulsion ,it's just easier. Working involves no emotions, no emotions means no conflict with self (type:approach-approach)which in essence will make it much much easier.
I know its strange coming from a female, since women are very into the whole emotional sphere and all that , but I am unique that way , or atleast thats what I suppose.
Anyway, to me we never retire. Never really retire anyway as we always end up doing soemthing or the other . Women start sitting in the balcaos and gossiping or start arranging matches(typical of goans) or the men take to fishing , real estate or head to the "club" where they have discussions( their term for gossip).
When I think of retirement I think of absolute calm and lack of any activity , withdrawal in a sense. In our lives we have phases of retirement, when we turn away from the world to sit aside and rediscover ourselves , others or a passion /goal. It helps to regenerate the energy that is sapped by the mundane nature of the things that generally surround us. A time to look within maybe, discover things that lay hidden for years , conquer fears. So we never truly retire , completely.


Melanie said...

I agree, we never truly retire, life always has a way of teaching us new things, regardless of the fact that you're hair has turned silver :)

Anonymous said...

Nice. In agreement.

Desiree Alemao said...

age is in the mind :)